Yoga for Runners – Tips and Yoga Poses

The runners among you know all too well the aches, pains and muscle tension that occur during or after running. These are typically felt in the back, knees, legs, ankles and hips. They not only affect those new to running, but also those who run on a regular basis. The good news is that yoga poses can help you get rid of the pain, prevent injuries and even improve your breathing during your running sessions.

Good to know:

Regular yoga has a positive impact on your flexibility, bone density, blood circulation and breathing and even helps you gain muscle. It is also perfect for relaxing and warming up before a workout and promotes post-run recovery!

Below you can find the Top 8 Yoga Poses for Runners, which can help you improve both your running training as well as your post-run recovery. Whenever possible, make sure to breathe deeply from your abdomen when doing the poses and direct your breathing to the targeted body part to intensify the stretch.

Yoga for Runners: 8 Great yoga poses
1. Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Ask anyone, yogi or not, to name a yoga pose and most likely they will mention Downward-Facing Dog. Why? Because it’s an excellent pose to check-in with your body. Within this pose you open…

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