What is Intermittent Fasting? Benefits, How It Works

There are so many diets that it is difficult to know what each diet’s benefits and risks are. The latest nutrition trend is intermittent fasting (also called interval eating). This type of diet is very popular among athletes, but people who want to lose weight also tout it as the ultimate slim-down method. How does it work? What are its benefits? And can intermittent fasting be dangerous?

Check out the answers to the most burning questions on interval eating as well as helpful tips: 


What is Intermittent Fasting?

As the name suggests, intermittent fasting is an approach to nutrition that cycles between periods of fasting and eating. Strictly speaking, interval eating is not a diet but more of a “meal schedule.”

There are several methods of intermittent fasting. The most popular ones are:

16/8 method: This is known as the Leangains method. Here, you have a feeding window of eight hours and a fasting period of 16 hours. Put simply, the normal fasting period while you sleep is simply extended by a few hours. You can skip breakfast, for instance, and consume your first meal at noon and keep eating until 8 pm.5:2 diet: The idea is that for two days a week you reduce your calorie intake to a maximum of 500 to 600 calories per…

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