How To Use Diet Supplements To Become a Better Cyclist

How To Use Diet Supplements To Become a Better Cyclist

When was the last time you hopped on your bike? Cycling is a low-impact workout compared to most other forms of exercise, making it an option for people of many different fitness levels. The act of pedaling improves muscle tone, increases stamina, and improves joint mobility. Cycling is also known to decrease stress levels and reduce the symptoms of depression and anxiety. Of course, before you start pedaling, you’ll need the right vitamins and supplements. Whether you’re a beginner or a pro on two wheels, these diet supplements may improve your performance.


Sometimes, you just need to keep it simple. Using caffeine as a supplement when you’re biking has several benefits, but the most common one is a mental boost when taken with sugar. Many bicyclers swear by the combination as a way to gear up for a timed trial. People often see increased power when taking caffeine while biking, as well as better endurance for aerobic exercise. Caffeine may not work for everyone, though. If you have a tolerance for it or take too small of a dose, you won’t feel the effects. One study showed the best results…

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