21 Jan Fixing Boredom and Expanding with Kart Racing
Posted at 09:45h
in Miscellaneous
by Natalie Jill
Fixing Boredom and Expanding with Kart Racing
HAVE YOU TRIED KART RACING? I came in 2nd place! (Ok,ok, ok it was just me and my husband racing haha because the place was empty) For Day 3 of my 3 Day Expansion challenge I went Kart racing at K1 Speed. It was not the first time I’ve done it BUT it had been 7 years since I had done it.
Not sure why something that is SO FUN (I said that last time I went) I didn’t make time for for seven years!
Why do we do that? Why don’t we make time for FUN?
We have a blast doing something (that doesn’t take a lot of time) and then we don’t go again? Why?I’m only on day 4 today of my 30 day commitment and I’m already realizing how l mundane I keep things when there is so much around us to experience. No wonder boredom and creativity dips happen.
What I love about racing these Karts is with the speed and fast turns and crazy tracks you have to be SUPER ultra “PRESENT” and it’s impossible not to be! So especially for those of us with ADHD it gives us a much needed break…
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