Combat Obesity: 7 Ways To Keep Your Children Healthy in an Overweight World

Combat Obesity: 7 Ways To Keep Your Children Healthy in an Overweight World

Obesity (defined as having a body mass index greater than 30) is directly linked to negative health outcomes. Despite what many people believe, you don’t choose to be obese. It is a disease, and it is a worldwide problem. Combating it is increasingly difficult as more people are being diagnosed with the condition. Teaching your children healthy habits that can prevent or reverse it will help them live longer, healthier lives. 

1. Reduce Calories

Your body burns food for energy which is measured in calories. In general, foods that are higher in calories provide more fuel. According to USDA guidelines, children under 18 need somewhere between 1,000 and 3,200 calories per day to maintain a healthy weight. The actual amount varies based on age, activity level and sex, but using 1,600 – 2,000 is a good place to start for most children. Considering that a single slice of pizza has nearly 300 calories without toppings, eating too much is easy and common. 

2. Offer Healthy Options

One way to combat calorie overload is to offer healthy foods that offer high-quality nutritional profiles….

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