Why You Should Not Believe All the COVID-19 Health Tips on Instagram?
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic raging all over the world has thrown health issues into sharp focus. People all over are trying their best to avoid getting infected and thus at the moment most susceptible to misleading online content and advertising promising solutions and offering tips for ensuring good health, diet, and nutrition. People, who go online, especially using social media, will in all probability find insidious advertising often disguised as wellness facts and health tips.
However, even if you think it to be only smart marketing, it can be upsetting that many companies are pushing across content dressed up as health information while all they are trying to do is to sell you something.
Social Media Advertising
It is common knowledge that in recent years with the explosion of social media, advertising has become ubiquitous. While some are in forms that are easily recognizable as paid advertising, much of the content is posted by a tribe of insidious marketers, otherwise known as influencers. These Instagrammers with very large follower bases partner with health and wellness companies…
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