How to Start Barefoot Running • 3 Tips to Transition

Barefoot running needs little introduction. It’s been around for a while (ask your ancestors) and on the surface, it’s as simple as taking your shoes off. But is it really a good idea? A decade into the barefoot boom, here’s what we’ve learned so far.


The recent trend in barefoot running was sparked by author Christopher McDougall’s claim that we were “born to run” (barefoot of course). His 2009 book of that name sold millions of copies and resulted in an explosion of runners taking up the natural style. The Barefoot Runners Society sprouted in the same year, and to back it all up, Nature published research showing how barefoot running was less likely to cause injury.(1)

The bio-mechanical change in gait, foot angle and strike pattern when we run barefoot is thought to increase foot strength and natural sensitivity as well as improve tendon elasticity and running economy.(2) (3) (4) There’s also the appeal of being literally in touch with nature (picture white sandy beaches and leafy trails).

It’s a compelling argument which has inevitably excited as many critics as fans. As habitual shoe wearers, most of us have developed a running gait and musculature to go with cushioned shoes….

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