Pre-race warm up is crucial. The positive effects of a warm up improve your race performance. Each warm up needs to be specific to the upcoming race. In this post you will find a detailed warm-up routine for different race distances (5K, 10K, half marathon, or marathon).
Warming up properly
A proper warm-up is divided into two parts:
The general part consists of jogging (10-15 minutes) and dynamic stretching exercises. The specific part focuses on running technique drills like skips, butt kicks, and ankling. Accelerations are also useful before short or middle distance races to get you ready to shift gears. The idea is to start off slowly and steadily and increase your pace until you reach a submaximal sprint (90% of your maximal sprint).
Our tip:
It is important that you plan your running warm-up so you finish shortly before the race begins.
It all depends on the distance…
Each race distance has its own warm-up routine. Let’s start by looking at the warm-up routine for a 5K race. In this example you can see the structure of a race warm-up routine. You will find more details below on how to adjust the routine for other distances – 10k, half marathon, and marathon.
Example: 5K race warm up
5K races start out fast. Your body has…
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