How To Burn Fat While Running

When we exercise, our body uses carbohydrates, fat, and acids to propel our movement. Some types of exercise burn fat more effectively. The intensity level of your workout impacts the amount of fat burned during and in the hours following. 

Yes, you can burn fat while running. But how? Here’s an FAQ guide to fat burning running.

A Note About Running for Weight Loss

Losing weight is not the same as losing fat. Muscle weighs more than fat and increases overall health. Fat weighs less, but high amounts of fat can lead to health problems. People can be light in weight and high in fat. Skinny people aren’t necessarily healthier! For more information on a healthy body fat percentage, see our blog post about body composition.

Therefore, fat loss is more important than weight loss. Yes, running helps you lose weight because running burns calories. And even if just a small percentage of those calories come from fat, it can still significantly boost your weight loss

Running for Fat Loss FAQs

Q1. Does Running Burn Fat?

Running is an exercise that burns fat, and the exercise intensity affects how much you burn during the workout itself. Exercise is categorized into two intensity levels: aerobic versus anaerobic.

Aerobic: lower-intensity…

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