HIIT Training: Nutrition for More Power

High Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT, is what many athletes consider the best way to get in shape and lose weight. The high intensity intervals boost metabolism and stimulate fat burning. A balanced, healthy diet is key for optimal results. We’ll tell you what to eat before a HIIT workout and after.

What is HIIT training?

The name says it all: High-intensity interval training alternates phases of intense exercise with short recovery periods. This makes you sweat a lot. Many athletes consider this anaerobic training the most effective way to improve endurance.

Benefits of HIIT

HIIT workouts offer a multitude of benefits. They are great for cardiovascular health, excellent calorie burners, and improve your performance in other sports. Find out more in our blog post Top 6 HIIT Benefits.

What to Eat Before HIIT and AfterwardWhat to eat before a HIIT workout 

Do you like to exercise on an empty stomach in the morning? HIIT is one of the best ways to burn calories and reduce body fat.(1) If you feel strong, there’s no reason why you can’t work out before breakfast. However, remember that you need carbs to keep going during your workout. They give you the energy you need to push yourself. If you don’t eat before working out,…

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