Bodyweight Workout for Beginners: 20-Minute at Home Routine

So you want to lose weight and get in shape, but you don’t want to leave your house?

Well, as your fitness Yoda, I will teach you a great bodyweight workout routine you can do anywhere: 

In your living room, at a park, or in a galaxy far, far away….

These are the types of workouts we build for our busy Online Coaching Clients, and I’m pumped to share it with you today! 

Let us build a bodyweight training program for you!

Here’s how we’ll dig into the different parts of this workout and get to the action:

Make sure you also download the Beginner Bodyweight Workout PDF so you can track your progress and level up at home.

I’ll send it on over when you join the Nerd Fitness Rebellion in the box below:

Grab Your Beginner Bodyweight Routine Worksheet. No Gym Required!

Complete this workout at home, no equipment required
Avoid the common mistakes everybody makes when doing bodyweight exercises
Learn how to finally get your first pull-up

The Benefits of BodyWeight Workout Circuits

What makes bodyweight circuits work so well?

Every bodyweight exercise involved utilizes multiple muscle groups, gets your heart rate pumping, and burns tons of calories.

Essentially, circuit weight training, or circuit bodyweight…

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