Bodyweight Training For Weight Loss: 5 Advantages!

Being thin is not the same as being healthy. If you are someone who has never been happy with their weight or shape or body type, it’s important to try to turn that around. One way to do that is to shift the focus away from losing weight and onto building strength for bone health, joint health, and mental health. You might be surprised to see that you lose weight and feel better about your body in the process.

If you want to build lean muscle mass, adding strength training can help you burn more calories, even if you substitute it for running or other cardio workouts sometimes.

Strength Training for Weight Loss

Strength training does not just burn calories while you’re exercising, but it gives your metabolism a boost that can last for hours afterwards, known as the afterburn effect or Excess Post Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC), which helps you to burn even more calories. One study even found that you burn additional calories for up to 38 hours after high intensity, short duration exercises like strength training.

As there is little or no rest between these bodyweight exercises, your heart rate can jump to up to 80% of your max, which will burn calories in a very short amount of time. The more muscles that are recruited in…

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