Body Type Workouts >> What You Need to Know!

Perhaps you’ve heard about the three different body types, also known as the somatotypes, but did you know that it is also important to work out according to your body type?

Your body type is predominantly genetic, but that doesn’t mean you are limited to a certain level of fitness. While it might be unlikely to get that hourglass figure if you are predispositioned to have more of a straight and narrow physique type, there are ways you can train in order to make the most out of your body type and have a healthy fitness level that feels great! 


Since not all body types are the same, you may not find yourself identifying with one specific body type, and that’s totally normal! Still, this post should give you some guidance on how to train and eat to reach your own individual goals.

What are the 3 body types?

The idea of body types generalizes the shape and composition of the human body, and divides the characteristics into three common categories, known as the three somatotypes.  The three body types are Ectomorph, Mesomorph and Endomorph. You can get a good idea of what these body types look like and where they are prone to build more muscle and store more fat from the image below.

The History Behind The Somatotype…

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